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Video Shoot

September 12, 2011

Some of the insiders may know; we had a hard time getting people to film the Music video for If I Could. With the song completely recorded and published  we were rushing for the MV to be up. 

It wasn’t fun at all, chasing and making follow ups on movie-making companies or hobbyist cinematographers to work together to come out with a video. It was really tough in fact! Getting people on the same wavelength. (We did not foresee these problems.) And because it was the raining season, it was horrible! Some shooting sessions got cancelled and delayed like forever because of the rain.

But as of today I’m happy & proud to announce that we are working with a great committed team & have shot up to 70% of the music video for If I Could by Daniel.  And we’re expecting the MV to be up within 2 weeks from today. =)

Here are some pictures of the shooting session we had earlier in the afternoon. Working with a group who calls themselves Five-O they shown great professionalism being very proper & artistic in every scene they shot.

Meet them dedicated people. Kay Sen was basically head in directing the shoots and cinematography throughout the day session.

We probably can’t achieve much without this man in the team. Not a single doubt for the dedication he puts in into the shoots.

With other guys shooting as well, few angles for each scene! However we still kept things simple and short. Simple is always more! Believe us.

At some scenes when we lacked certain minor character roles, we ourselves took part being inside the scene as well. Pretty interesting & we were having fun while working.

Shooting in a public location and arousing the curiosity of many passers-by to stop and watch cluelessly. Spotted cars and vehicles slowing down on purpose to see what’s going on. Oh well, clearly not many shoots have been done in this area then!

And not forgetting our very spotting actors in the shoot. The many retakes and redos must have been tiring but we thank your every efforts.

Special things happen when special people with dedicated hearts come together. Stay with us for updates as we continue to finish the music video. In the meantime, continue sharing the good word around. Yes. Like us on Facebook too and make a change for this place.

Signing out,

The Vivid Project – by very enthusiastic crazy people trying to change the world

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